Sunday, January 23, 2005

23 Jan 2005

An uneventful day, got up at around 9 and had egg tarts and milk for breakfast. If I have that for breakfast everyday, I can be sure that my coronary arteries would be clogged up by atherosclerotic plaques in no time!! I’m starting to get use to washing my face with cold water. My body’s really tired but I just can’t sleep!! Help~~~
Went to the market with my grandma again. I just don’t feel like being out today. I just want to stay at home and finish reading “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown. Can’t believe I still haven’t finish reading it yet. Usually I’m not that slow but my brain’s been kinda jammed and I can’t even absorb anything that I’m reading. It’s like I’m just looking at the words and nothing makes sense.
Plan to go to Tsim Tsa Tsui tomorrow. Really need to go shopping!!! Will be visiting the Teddy Bear Museum too.
*I need to find a site where I can upload my pictures so people can see the pictures that I’ve taken. Can somebody help me with that? Thanks!!


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