Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I hate PBL

Having to drag my half asleep body, to leave my comfort zone and walking under the hot sun to get to PBL is a terrible experience. And I really have to say this regardless of the fact that I have a rather cute facilitator this time. Well, not that he's really that cute but honestly he is a rather decent sight when most of the lecturers are either old, balding, has massive central obesity or just, very honestly, not good looking. Can’t blame me for being brutally honest, that’s just the way life is- It’s the looks that matters.PBL, Problem Based Learning, is a small group discussion activity. Each week, we'd be given a case study and what we need to do is try to identify the learning issues of the case, research on the topics and present it during the next session. It’s funny to see my groups members painstakingly squeeze out another learning issue so that there’ll be just enough topics for each person. I can’t help but be amazed at their effort in making sure that everyone has something to do, even though the topic’s not actually that relevant. The problem is, they don’t realize that this is actually very annoying, why bother? The people, who have nothing to do this time, can do it the next time. Why go through all the trouble, wasting everyone’s time just to be “fair” to everyone?

Sometimes, it’s not just the group members who actually cause the problems, it could be the facilitator. A facilitator of a group helps out by guiding the students, in case they were lost or just didn’t know what to do. They too can create huge problems either by talking too much, in which now it becomes a mini lecture, or just sits so quietly in the corner that it’s as if he’s not there at all. Worse, he could be bombarding you with so many questions, he’d be a walking SAQ paper, and the amount of embarrassment you’d have when you couldn’t answer a single question.

So, in conclusion, Problem Based Learning, is nothing but PROBLEMS.


Blogger pink dolphin said...

I'm sorry, it's not PROBLEMS. It's just a problem when some people just blindly read out of th epaper, like hello, if I wanted to read , I could do that myself you know...geesh...it's about building explanation skills, personality and leadership skills. Looks like not everyone is as enthusiastic.( did I spell it right?)

4:59 PM  
Blogger Ken Rhee said...

i think that geesh is spelt sheesh...

12:41 AM  

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