Monday, May 16, 2005

A Letter to Koala Bear

Dear Koala Bear,

I'm writing this while realizing the fact that you would never come across this letter or perhaps you wouldn't even know it's written to you if by that tiny chance you're reading this now.

This is my confession, a declaration of my feelings for you. I can't remember when I fell in love with you. All I could remember was I fell for your warm and sincere smile. And yes, I am crazy. You were so right about that. How can I fall for someone by means of a smile? It wasn't just that, you're like a chest hidden in the dark corner of an attic. Not knowing what's in it. Somehow, I managed to open the chest and look what's inside. You know what? I found treasures! You, like your smile are so warm and sincere. Not only that, I found the heart of gold.

However, till this day, I've never found the key to your heart. Maybe I lost it along the way, or maybe it's just the wrong key that I'm holding, perhaps there never was one in the first place. This door was never intended to be open for me. There were a few times when I felt you open the door for me. But when I tried to walk through it, I end up having it slammed in my face. It's really painful. Yes, I realize that I would never be the one for you. I'm never the girl who would love God as much as you do, never the one who love and help other people like you do. When I look at myself, I see flaws. My mere existence was only a burden. But I've tried and I've changed. But then again, I would never be perfect. I'm not condemning myself. It's a fact that I have to accept. Isn't this how life's supposed to be?

Please don't ask me what I see in you. I cannot tell you because it's just the feelings inside which is very difficult to describe. Maybe you've actually experienced it before, or maybe not. And if you didn't know this, it's not easy to love someone who doesn't love you. At times I just feel like I couldn't give anymore but seeing you and your smile just kept me going. I'm not asking for anything in return, so please do not give me the "I owe you a lot" line ever again. It hurts to hear that from you.

I miss you. I miss your smile. I miss the sense of security when my hands are on your shoulders. I've had some happy moments with you. Thank you. It's really great knowing you. If I can turn back time, I would still choose what I'm going through right now, instead of erasing you from my memory. What is left to say is just goodbye. I'm hoping that one day our paths would be parallel again, without mine intersecting yours. Take care.


#My tears are turning into time I wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye-Over,Lindsay Lohan#


Blogger pink dolphin said...

Hey you, there are many to come your way. I guess life has its interesting ways in teaching us hoe to live it. Seriously, this is just one step. More is to come, but I'm sure evrything will have an hidden agenda behind it to be revealed someday, when you will realise it was the best thing that could happen. Come on, the ocean is wide,you know what we should do now... ;-)

7:23 PM  

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