Thursday, August 24, 2006

A place to call home...

I was actually back home in good old KK for the holidays. Was sick for 1 whole week, in which was the right thing at the right time, I presumed. I couldn’t imagine myself sick, alone and away from home. Being back home, it was different. I could really sleep soundly, not having to wake up in the middle of the night at the slightest sound. Worst nights would’ve been during thunderstorms, with the heavy rain pouring like mad and the wind wailing, could hardly sleep a wink, as I lay curled up in my bed.

All the worries seem to just melt away the instant my plane touched down at the airport. I’m home, I told myself. A soldier at war, I find myself constantly struggling to stay alive. Coming home has always been something I look forward to.

However crazy this may sound, home does not feel like home anymore. Being evicted from my own room, which now belongs to my brother, I was crammed up in the same room with my sister and all her stuff. All of which I could call my space was the bed, a 45cmx45cm stool to put my knickknacks, whatnot, so that they won’t become lost treasures of the room when I leave, and my luggage bag. Even my toiletries are kept in a bag. More so, I had to adjust to everyone’s schedule, which is so complicated that I completely lost track of what’s going on, what’s supposed to happen and what happened. I have no idea where things are, not even the slightest hint where they keep my old stuff.

My home had always been my sanctuary. Off late, I’ve been doing some thinking and the fact is, I’ve been running away from my problems, which means I wouldn’t have to deal with it for that short span of time. Which also kinda explains why I dread to leave. But I realize that my life is here. What I have been struggling with, life changing experiences, and people that I have met. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Sad to say that I must grow up and not shirk from responsibilities, life is never a bed of roses, but it’s been pretty okay for me so far.
I'm HOME!!!

My room in S'ban. The floor lamp is a gift fr a special some1, which serves to remind me of things that I should not do, but.....

Perfect for a tete-a-tete.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Fag Hag

Also known as Fruit Fly and Queer Dear. This is a woman who prefers the company of gay men because she recognizes their effervesence, incisive wit, and sheer brilliance regarding the human condition. This woman appreciates the fact that gay men know how to drill down to the bittersweet core of an issue and make light of it where necessary, and simultaneously make dark humor of it where otherwise necessary. It is a gift that comes from being an outsider: rather than lying down and taking a beating, as some do, the exaulted gay man rises from the ashes and finds the ridiculous glory in being an outsider. In this endeavor, he seeks the company of a woman, and she of him...because regardless of intentions, women and men enjoy the company of those who feel "right" to each other.

Because this type of woman is generally spoiled by the general delightfulness of gay men, she may scorn straight men for their lack of personality and overall dullness.

She had a boring but biologically necessary momentary sexual encounter with a straight man named "Todd," but she soon grew bored of his attention and longed to be encircled in the warm and safe womb of the gay bar. "I must tend to my mother," she told him, as she eyed the clock and noted that it was 1:10 am. In her mind, she calculated and realized she still had time to make it to the bar and hook up with some boys who would eventually stay until dawn and entertain her bottomless need to be intellectually and emotionally stimulated.In light of this, she deftly dressed herself, and buffed and fluffed her makeup in this Todd's sticky dank bathroom. She then politely delivered a well-placed kiss upon the former object of her desire, and hailed the first cab in sight. She knew with utmost assurity, after all, that straight men are for sex; gay men are for love.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

gOnE, GoiNg, GonE....

The exam stress was really getting at me. I couldn’t believe that I actually drove out to the nearest 7-11 in the middle of the night just to get ice-cream. Yup, the sinful, calorie loaded, sensuous, heavenly---- ice-cream *all hail to this wonderful dessert*… yum… And guess what? I finished 2 sticks of Nestle Crunch in under 5 minutes… Man, was I deprived!

Can't wait to unwrap this. Like a kid on christmas morning.... A unique combination of smooth Nestlé chocolate and crisped rice, which delivers an exciting eating sensory experience of distinctive taste, texture and sound*crunch* LOL.
Love at first bite...

Then I got to thinking, what have I been doing during the whole Surgery Posting? Other than a couple of flings, a few weeks of continuous partying, a few drinks too much later…. I realize I haven’t been studying as much as I should. Conscience is killing me now, especially after a shitty MCQ paper. Oh well, to make amends, I’ll be cutting my holiday short---- to study. Can’t believe Sem 6 is over, and I’ll be telling patients “Hi, I’m a 4th year medical student. May I shove my finger up your ass? (*shing* shows index finger to patient)” in 3 week’s time.
Can’t wait~~ *sneers*